Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gift card spending!!!

OK so my Gma (grandma) got all of us granddaughters $40 gift cards to TJ Maxx for Christmas. So today after my doctor appointment the boys and I went over to TJ Maxx which is pretty far out of the way. I was differently hoping for something great. Not quite. Clearance sweaters were $20..... clearance to me means like 5 bucks. OK I know that sounds cheap, right?!?!?! I just wanted to make the $40 spread as thin as I could. We left and went to the Marshall's by my house ( TJ Maxx and Marshall's are sister stores or something like that). Now this store I know up and down! I thought maybe I would buy a new bedding set for my room but I just couldn't find what I wanted. Right across from the bed-in-bags were these AMAZING BLANKETS!!!! I love blankets, Anytime I'm sitting on the couch watching TV I have to have a blanket. Well every blanket I make for myself end up in my children's beds and cribs and I can never find them. I think my children might take after me with the whole blanket fetish.

 Anyway I picked up this beautiful little girl for $16!
So soft and warm....mmmm I love her!

Next I headed over to the kids clothing even know I told myself I was going to spend all this money on ME. I still had to look.

I found these leggings for Ms.Kay ( my 7 year old girly). How rocker 80's cool are these! and their purple :) I love purple and best of all they were $5!! So I had to pick them up.

By this time Mr. Drake ( my 2 year old) had filled the cart with every truck in the store. I wish I had taken a picture. It made me laugh. We cleared out the cart of all the truck and put them all away by color ( little smarty pants anyway) I thought I should find something to wear for New Years Eve. That's when I found this cover up.

 Cute right!?!?!
The picture just doesn't to I Justice.
It's like a cute little neck blanket with ruffles.
Now you know why I had to buy it.
It was $20 but to amazing to put back.

I thought it wasn't dressy enough for New Years but if I belted it with a cute skinny purple belt that would dress it up.  $10

What do you think?
 Kinda weird on the hanger.
I'll post pictures when I wear it to show its true beauty.
 So my total  was $51.
I went a little over but not to bad!
Thank you grandma. I love my Christmas presents!!

p.s. sorry about the sideways pictures.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here we go 2011!!!

Hello all! This year on my blog k.hardt I am going to challenge myself more than I ever have before and I'd like to bring you a long for the ride. Everything from making money to losing weight. I'm going to start off with money making! EBay style! Here in Omaha Nebraska we have Goodwill. And at goodwill we have color weeks. This means if the color is blue then everything with a blue tag is $1.00 for the week. The color changes every Monday. So you can only imagine how crazy Monday's are. Anyway I started selling on eBay to earn money to go on our trip to Cabo.I made really good money doing this so I thought why not try for the month of January to add 100 items a day selling them at $5 an item. This means I could earn roughly 15000 give or take in one month!!!! I have a HUGE pile of clothing sitting in my basement ready to be put on eBay.

I can't believe I'm showing this.

 I'll be starting New Years Day and I'll keep you posted every week on my top sellers and my total profit. Remember I had only paid a dollar for each item and the starting price will start at $5. It all adds up to be a pretty nice profit!
